Top macOS Features You Should Be Using


It is a well-known fact that macOS is highly preferred across the globe because of its elegance and user-friendly features. Nevertheless, there are some incredible functions in it that many people do not understand. Do you use your macOS to its full potential? Read on to discover a few incredible macOS features that will take your computing to a whole new level!

Spotlight Search

Spotlight Search is not just a tool that enables you to locate files on your Mac. It is much more than a feature because, with it, one can surf the internet, locate documents, access applications and even carry out some mathematics in a very simplified way. A simple combination of pressing Command and then the Space keys will make it possible for you to open Spotlight and quickly type what you need to find. This provides for a smooth way of moving around on your Mac and saves time. You can also adjust Spotlight to your specifications, such as adding or excluding certain file types or locations so that it becomes even more effective. Integration of this kind works with other macOS applications too; hence, one can use them for checking out dictionary meaning, converting currencies, or finding out the current updates of the weather without being distracted from the work at hand.

Trackpad Gestures and Scroll Direction

The macOS trackpad is packed with intuitive gestures that enhance productivity. You can swipe between full-screen apps, show the desktop, and activate Mission Control with just a few gestures. Moreover, macOS offers a feature to change the scroll direction to match your preferences. If you’re wondering how to adjust this, there’s a comprehensive guide on how to change macos mouse scroll direction that can walk you through the steps. This simple tweak can make a huge difference in your user experience, aligning the scroll direction with your natural movement.

Time Machine

For every individual who uses a computer, loss of data is the worst thing that could ever happen. The Time Machine in macOS is good for backing up. It works by default to back up everything in your system such as system files, applications, music, photos, emails, and documents among others. You have the option of configuring it to make copies of your data on an external hard drive or network HDD so that you don’t lose anything important. The interface is designed in such a way that you can easily recover any file at any given time. In addition, Time Machine keeps several copies of your files allowing you to return to earlier versions when necessary. With this, recovering deleted files or returning to an old document version is possible and less stressful; hence it covers all your digital property with tranquility and confidence.

Split View

With macOS’s Split View feature, one can easily multitask. It enables you to open two apps adjacent to each other without the need to resize the windows on your own. Activating Split View is easy; click and hold the green full-screen button located at the upper-left side of the window, then move it towards one end of your screen until a half-blue, half-red backdrop appears. Once done with that, select different applications to run on either side and now you are ready for both of them. This feature is great when you have to compare documents, do research, or follow up on emails in one window as you work on something else.

Siri Integration

Your Mac is also powered by Siri, not just your iPhone., and many more. To switch it on, just click on the Siri icon located at the menu bar or use the keyboard shortcut which is holding down the Command and Space keys simultaneously. Siri will also enable you to easily follow up with work of different kinds and keep yourself occupied without any effort. On top of the usual orders, Siri integrated into macOS can communicate with smart home devices, look at the calendar, surf the Internet, and find out something for you in a moment. With Siri helping out, one can keep their hands busy with one task while still managing to do others effectively making their digital experience unified and smooth.

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Final Thought

In order to get the most out of your macOS, you need to utilize some amazing characteristics. MacOS is created with features that are geared toward easing your life such as the effective Spotlight Search, customizable trackpad gestures, Time Machine for backup, Split View, and Siri’s hands-free help. Do you want to take advantage of all these features? It is possible to improve your productivity and have a smoother operating system if you make proper use of these resources in your day-to-day activities. Therefore, go ahead and explore macOS gems today!