Exploring Multi-Ingredient Medications That Contain Naloxone


How many of you are hearing of Naloxone for the first time in your lives? You can think of it as the superhero of opioid overdose reversal. 

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room—the opioid crisis. It’s no secret that opioid misuse and overdose deaths have reached alarming levels in recent years. 

Can you believe that roughly 25% of Americans aged over 12 admitted to using illegal drugs in 2022 alone? That makes over 70 million people in the country. It’s certainly not a small number. In the same year, 108,490 people lost their lives to drug overdose. Opioids emerged as the most common cause of these drug-related deaths nationwide. 

Today, we’ll explore multi-ingredient medications that contain naloxone and understand how they’re making waves in addiction treatment and overdose prevention.


Zubsolv is an exceptional medication crafted to assist people in fighting opioid addiction, merging two crucial elements: buprenorphine and naloxone. Think of buprenorphine as a gentle companion that alleviates withdrawal symptoms and cravings without inducing the intense highs associated with other opioids.

Now, let’s delve into naloxone. This component acts as a safeguard, ready to spring into action if someone tries to misuse Zubsolv by injecting it for a quick high. Naloxone swiftly blocks the effects of buprenorphine and can even reverse an opioid overdose, restoring normal breathing and consciousness.

In essence, Zubsolv offers both support and protection on the road to recovery from opioid addiction. It provides relief without the risks of abuse, making it a valuable asset in the journey toward a healthier, addiction-free life.

In May 2023, Accord Healthcare – an Irish pharmaceutical company – first launched Zubsolv in Ireland, making it the first addiction-focused treatment launched in the country. 

Accord distributed the sublingual medicine across 5 strengths – 0.36 mg, 0.71 mg, 1.4 mg, 2.1 mg, and 2.9 mg. The medication was originally developed in Sweden by Orexo AB – a Swedish specialty pharmaceutical company. 


Suboxone stands out as a symbol of optimism in the fight against opioid addiction, distinguished by its innovative blend of buprenorphine and naloxone. What makes it distinctive is its innovative combination of two key ingredients: buprenorphine and naloxone. 

While many medications for opioid dependence include these components, Suboxone offers a nuanced approach to treatment. It offers not only relief from withdrawal symptoms and cravings but also a layer of protection against misuse and overdose.

TruLaw notes that while Suboxone has played a crucial role in opioid addiction treatment, its use has been marred by controversies. A couple of years ago, a large number of Suboxone users started having different kinds of dental issues. It took them a while to trace these issues back to the medication they were using for dealing with OUD – Suboxone. 

In light of these revelations, the impacted people filed a Suboxone tooth decay lawsuit against its manufacturers for not warning them of its side effects. One of its manufacturers – Invidior Inc. paid $385 million to settle these lawsuits. 


Evzio is a game-changer in the fight against opioid overdoses, offering a swift and effective response when every second counts. Unlike other medications for opioid use disorder, Evzio contains only one active ingredient: naloxone. 

This powerful antidote acts quickly to reverse the dangerous effects of opioid overdose, restoring normal breathing and consciousness in those who are affected.

What makes Evzio stand out is its user-friendly design and intuitive auto-injector device. This innovative technology empowers anyone, from trained medical professionals to concerned bystanders, to deliver naloxone with confidence and precision in emergencies.

Also Read: The Incredible Benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Overall Wellness

Sublocade – A Naloxone-free medication for OUD

So far, we’ve only been looking at naloxone-containing medications for treating OUD and opioid overdose. Would you like to take a look at what lies beyond this medicine? Here’s a peek into one:  

Sublocade is a significant advancement in the treatment of opioid use disorder (OUD), offering a unique approach to care. What makes it stand out is its omission of naloxone, a common component in other medications for OUD.

Instead, Sublocade depends exclusively on buprenorphine, a medication renowned for its ability to alleviate cravings and withdrawal symptoms linked to opioid dependence. By focusing solely on buprenorphine, Sublocade provides a simplified treatment option for individuals seeking relief from OUD.

What’s particularly noteworthy about Sublocade is its extended-release formulation. Given as a monthly injection, Sublocade provides the convenience of monthly dosing, easing the challenge of managing medication on a daily basis.

A 2023 study published in the Journal of Addiction Medicine found that buprenorphine extended-release medication – including Sublocade – had lower rates (1.7) of non-fatal overdose events. This was in comparison to methadone and buprenorphine-naloxone sublingual tablets, whose rates of overdose events were 46.8 and 19.3 respectively. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Which population is more vulnerable to opioid addiction?

Several groups of people with different contributing factors are vulnerable to opioid addiction. This includes people with chronic pain, those with a history of substance abuse, and adolescents and young adults who are easily influenced.

Besides opioids, which other drugs are popular in the USA?

Alcohol is the most popular drug in the USA, with over 22% of the country’s population admitting to indulging in binge drinking. It is followed by tobacco, with 1 in 5 Americans consuming it. Although illegal, heroin and cocaine usage is also quite popular in the country.

Can mental health issues contribute to drug overdose?

Yes. People struggling with mental health problems are more vulnerable to the risk of a drug overdose. Common conditions that have been known to worsen it are depression, PTSD, bipolar disorder, anxiety, and schizophrenia. 

Wrapping Up

To wrap up our exploration journey, it’s clear that multi-ingredient medications are innovations playing a vital role in addiction treatment and overdose prevention. 

As we continue to navigate the challenges of the opioid crisis, let’s hold onto hope and resilience. Together, through education, advocacy, and support, we can create a future where addiction is met with compassion, treatment is accessible to all, and every life is valued.